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单词 dyer 例句大全,用单词dyer造句:

Garment dyer.
Give you a bit dye, you open dyer.
给你一点染料, 你就开染房。
John was bred a dyer, I believe of woolens.
约翰学了染匠, 我相信是染呢绒的。
Dyer said he had taught them a moral lesson.
As a dyer, do you know how to bleach ink marks?
你是染匠 那你知道怎么去掉墨迹吗?
No wool is so white but a dyer can dye it black.
Thereis no wool so white But a dyer can make it Black
羊毛再白, 也能染黑
There is no wool so white but a dyer can make it black.
John, my next uncle, was bred a dyer, I believe of wool.
二叔父约翰是学染工, 我相信是毛织品的染工。
Benjamin was bred a silk dyer an apprenticeship in London.
central time, the Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory's Alvey said.
Benjamin was bred a silk dyer, serving an apprenticeship at London.
本杰明是丝绸染匠, 在伦敦拜师受业。
In order to survive, he needed to be working. He asked the man to write dyer.
为了生存 他需要工作 他让那个人写上 染匠
Meanwhile, Kieron Dyer's proposed move to West Ham is reported to have collapsed.
And with his only diploma, his primary education certificate, he found himself working at a dyer dry cleaner.
而他的学历 仅仅到小学水平 只能到染洗店做工

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