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单词 dying 例句大全,用单词dying造句:

Dying from cancer and dying from neurological illness are different.
因为患癌症与神经疾病而死去 是不一样的
In that hospice, there were 29 men and women who were actively dying.
在那家安养院 有31个人 处在濒死状态
We wanted to show that we cared about people dying of AIDS in Africa.
aging and dying can become a process of crescendo through to the end.
II. Or take the image of the withering plant that is dying of drought.
She never saw that day,dying at 17 after struggling with drug addiction.
He had amate and she was dying. She was beside the puddle where he landed.
他有一个伴侣, 她奄奄一息, 就躺在他落下的泥坑旁边。
I did not want to step over that line, the line of admitting Tom was dying.
我不想跨过那条线, 那条承认汤姆将死去的线。
Young people sometimes avoid the old to get rid of fears of aging and dying.
Nazi generals who used false Grail water, resulting in an instant aging, dying.
There are only two thousand still alive, and the survivors are dying off daily.
The addition of feeder cells might be used for rescuing the dying adherent cells.
And, dying, it rises above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale.
My gaze went to another young woman as she wiped the face of another dying person.
我转头望向另一个年轻女子 她在擦拭 另一位临死的人的脸
First aid techniques and mechanism for dying pine trees damaged by pine wilt dis ease
He gave his best till his dying day and was accorded the highest of honours posthumously.
And painters alluded to her eroticism in their bare breasted portrayals of the dying queen.
Was Boyi certainly sage and aloof because of dying from conserving his honor and reputation?
With her dying breath, Queen Dido pronounced a malediction on Aeneas and all his descendants.
Raging against the dying of the light, in other words, now has powerful technological allies.
Additionally, we don't persist in the questions regarding dying and living of this flesh body.
He has a lot of anger toward the government right now, and he's just dying to find someone to take it out on.
他现在对政府非常愤怒 急需找个人来发泄发泄。
There are very few hostels for the elderly in the country, with most of the aged living and dying in the home situation.
At the center rests the dying ember of the core of the star.Planetary nebulae can exhibit amazing and intricate structures.
Obese young and middle-aged folks have a greater risk of dying than the fit, but the danger seems to diminish as they grow older.

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