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单词 dusting 例句大全,用单词dusting造句:

But the Grimaldis are all grown up now and a dusting of snowy respectability has settled over them.
但格里马尔迪都长大了, 现在和除尘月饼体面已定居下来。
Our flat is great just in need of a little dusting and a thorough clean of the kitchen and bathroom.
我们的宿舍不错, 只需要稍微除除尘, 彻底清扫厨房和卫生间。
Reconstruction of Dusting System for Middle Crushing and Fine Crushing of Concentrator of Nanshan Iron Mine
It seems like house chores never end!! Cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, and laundry. Wish I could hire a maid!
Constructional technology of dusting piles in settling pond in the Second Steel Plant of Taiyuan Steel Co. Ltd.
Finite element simulation on the effect of welding residual stress on the metal dusting corrosion of welded joint
Study on optimization design of electrode clearance and clearance between electrode and dusting plate of electrostatic dust precipitator with super wide clearance and long discharging bar
超宽间距长芒刺电除尘器极间距,极 板间距优化设计研究

单词 dusting 释义

  • 单词释义:打扫,殴打;撒粉;除灰;敷粉  [更多..]



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