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单词 dustless 例句大全,用单词dustless造句:

dustless wheat separator.
Dustless Sanding Polishing Machine for furniture
Turn the pole gently to drive the dustless roll.
Cleaning Technology Research of Dustless Working Wears
The dustless chalk is of good quality, go and get some more.
这批无尘粉笔得质量不错, 再去买一些吧!
The dustless chalk is of good quality, go and get some more.
这批无尘粉笔的质量不错, 再去买一些吧!
The utility model chalk brush is continent, clean and dustless.
本实用新型粉笔刷使用方便, 干净, 无尘。
The look from her eye is still so pure, like a dustless crystal.
她的眼神依旧清纯, 仿佛水晶般的纤尘不染。
Development and Application of Dustless Loader of Blast Furnce Gas Ash
The ministry of oil, packaging department and qc, practiced dustless workshop management.
喷油部, 包装部和质检部, 都实行无尘车间管理。
The characteristics of dustless compouded lead salt stabilizer are good, and without dust poison.
无尘复合铅盐稳定剂性能优良, 无粉尘毒害。

单词 dustless 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.无尘的 不起灰尘的  [更多..]



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