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单词 distribute 例句大全,用单词distribute造句:

All over the desert we distribute lion bait containing amounts the companion star of Sirius.
You usually distribute this file with your control, but your customers do not distribute it.
If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this email.
如果你不是指名的收件人, 你不应散播, 传递或者复制本邮件。
We implemented a policy of arousing the masses to distribute movable property wherever we go.
There are just as many volunteers, who collect and distribute donations of food and clothing.
We hereby print and distribute to you. Please carry them out in light of your actual situation.
现印发给你们, 请结合自身实际, 认真贯彻落实。
Know this allocation to already became what network economy condition falls to distribute a form.
The differentials task is to distribute the drive forces variably between the front and rear axle.
No teleplay shall be allowed to distribute, broadcast, and award without of a distribution license.
Article 10 The State Encryption Administration shall distribute projects in the form of task document.
The crushed rock is called ballast, and it severs both to distribute the load and to provide drainage.
这种碎石子叫做道碴, 用来分散负荷和排水。
The principle that the government or charity organization abides by is to distribute according to need.
A country should have a large amount of grain in reserve to distribute to victims of natural disasters.
Sandstone reservoir and volcanic rock distribute alternately, their thicknesses are negative correlation.
It was my task to go get his lunch, erase the blackboard, and collect and distribute homework assignments.
替他拿午饭, 擦黑板, 收发家庭作业都成为我的任务。
Duly distribute the first aid medicines for heatstroke prevention and labor protection articles to workers.
Distribute order master schedule to Enginneering, Procurement, Production Planning and Assembly shop floor.
发放订单主计划给工程设计, 采购, 生产计划和装配车间。
We reserve the right to refuse permission to copy, distribute, broadcast, or publish our copyrighted works.
Please, I beg you in the name of God to help me collect the deposit and distribute it amongst charity organizations.
以上帝知名, 恳求您助我取得款项, 捐给慈善机构。
The indeterminate shoots distribute on horizontal direction more equally than longitudinal direction in tree canopy.
To authorize others to reproduce and distribute the radio or television programme, and to receive remuneration therefor.
许可他人复制发行其制作的广播, 电视节目, 并获得报酬。
Nevertheless, particle size distribute does not change with the combustion chamber pressure and propellant powder percentage.
It was also noted that the Secretariat would prepare and distribute a revised version of the commentary to the draft convention.
Welcome to Social Wallpapering, a community effort to classify, rank, and distribute highresolution images for use as computer wallpaper.
The developmental courses of oil cells in stem and leaf are alike, and oil cells distribute in the mesophyll of leaf and the cortex and pith of stem.

单词 distribute 释义

  • 单词释义:分发;配销;分配;分散;撒,播  [更多..]



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