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单词 distribute 例句大全,用单词distribute造句:

bootleg to produce, distribute, or sell without permission or illegally
偷制和贩卖未经许可或非法地制造, 分送或贩卖
Who will come to distribute the great cake of electric power investment
Create and distribute these reports as report snapshots in a batch file.
在批处理文件中, 作为报表快照创建和分发报表。
Do not dump or distribute the private key associated with the certificate.
Load balancing is used to distribute instance resources and data requests.
This ADRC is designed in distribute form and easily applied to engineering.
该控制器以离散的形式进行设计, 易于工程实现。
Arrange production schedule, distribute the production capacity and material.
生产安排, 生产能力与物料分配。
Give you this standard print and distribute now, ask comply with to carry out.
The reaches of greater dike breach risk mainly distribute in wandering reaches.
And delegation of authority granted manufacturers distribute their products agent.
Should not distribute house card to the visitor should be assigned by group leader
Thousands of soldiers are working to distribute food and blankets to the refugees.
You are to distribute this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel.
Only with this accomplishment were we able to distribute land on a sound foundation.
Why don't they print and distribute more tickets since tickets are so badly needed ?
既然门票如此走俏, 为什么不多印发些呢?
Help companies distribute midterm and long term bond and short time financing bonds.
Apply on forehead, cheeks and chin. Distribute outwards with gentle patting strokes.
按于额头, 双颊及下巴位置, 然后由内到外轻轻推开即可。
How does your working unit distribute the salary ?Is the salarya paycheck or by cash ?
Is an attempt to help collect, develop and distribute software for robotics applications.
Calcium and phosphate distribute evenly both on surface and along the depth of the layer.
Some men ran off to a carpenter shop, brought nails andto distribute them among the crowd.
有几个人跑到一家木匠铺里取来铁钉, 当场散发给群众。
More than 50,000 troops have been mobilised to aid the emergency teams and distribute food.
Nonproprietary products are in the public domain and anyone can produce or distribute them.
The seed pod suddenly snap apart, throw the spore into the air to is distribute by the wind
心皮突然爆开, 将孢子抛到空中, 再由风将它们撒布开去
For each essay assignment, I will distribute a handout detailing requirements and due dates.

单词 distribute 释义

  • 单词释义:分发;配销;分配;分散;撒,播  [更多..]



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