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单词 discard 例句大全,用单词discard造句:

What we should make sure is to absorb the essence and discard the dregs.
我们要明确的是取其精髓, 去其糟粕。
The people usually directly discard drink the hoisting bucket spatially.
abandon, desert, discard, forsake, quit, dump, cast off, reject, renounce
丢弃, 遗弃
The rate at which web users consume and discard new apps is accelerating.
The nitric acid equips to discard the corrosion of defending of hot boiler
Research about Rapid Propagation and Discard Virus of Solanum muricatum Ait
Follow the procedure in Closing a document to save or discard your changes.
Strain out the pickling solution, discard garlic and Szechuan pepper corns.
So my advice it to give it a try and do not discard it because of the taste.
The ashes in the stove can be used as manure, so don't discard them so freely.
这些灶土可以用作土肥, 你不要轻易扔掉。
Discard any of the beans that float, and bring to a boil over mediumhigh heat.
扔掉漂浮的豆子, 并用中大火加热沸腾。
Banish wisdom and discard knowledge, and the people will benefit a hundredfold.
抛弃聪明才智, 百姓可以获利百倍。
Shrimp trawls are characterized by various catch species and high discard ratio.
The stone can be used for to clean to discard aquatic and total ammonia nitrogen.
Discard all New Rule cards, and leave only the original Basic Rules card in play.
弃掉场上所有新规则卡, 只留下基本规则。
Use the tip of a knife to chip off the top of an egg. Discard the egg or cook it.
用刀尖切下蛋壳顶部。将蛋黄和蛋白丢弃, 也可以烹饪。
If it still does not smell of bleach, discard it and find another source of water.
Rather than amend the clubs constitution again, let us discard it and start afresh.
与其修改俱乐部的章程, 不如将其废弃并重新制定。
So numerous was their killing, that the clan began to discard remains into the sea.
他们杀掉了那么多人, 就开始把残骸扔进大海。
Discard The document is closed, and all modifications since the last save are lost.
Without a cold body for the discard of heat, the engine cannot function continuously.
如果没有冷物体以排出热, 机器就不能连续运转。
There is a garbage can, you can discard garbage there. Thank you for your cooperation.
那里有一个垃圾箱, 您可以把垃圾扔到那里, 谢谢您的配合。
That crack is just as a piece of stretched mouth, proclaimed of sole discard as useless.
Pour the liquid through a cheesecloth to discard the dregs.This is the bonito soup broth.
If you have multiple conflicts or errors, you can also retry or discard all your changes.

单词 discard 释义

  • 单词释义:丢弃,抛弃;解雇;出牌  [更多..]



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