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单词 bonus 例句大全,用单词bonus造句:

The president of the company announced that there would be a bonus.
If you've got your annual bonus, what would you like to do with it?
假如你得到了今年的年终奖, 你将如何处置呢
This might also be accomplished through a yearly profitsharing bonus.
Free minutes and bonus minutes cannot be rolled over and accumulated.
There is an additional five thousand bonus in my paycheck this month.
To show his appreciation for her hard work, the boss gave har a bonus
Amplify Magic Damage and healing bonus increased on ranks 2 through 2.
We give you this bonus as approval of your work and for encouragement.
这些奖金是对你得工作得肯定, 以资鼓励。
We give you this bonus as approval of your work and for encouragement.
这些奖金是对你的工作的肯定, 以资鼓励。
Bonus aforesaid shall not be counted into salary amount after taxation.
Bonus Feats The epic ranger gains a bonus feat at levels 23, 26, and 29.
奖励专长传奇游侠在23级, 26级, 29级将得到奖励专长。
Bows crossbows, and slings bestow the bonus damage upon their ammunition.
Bonus Feats The epic paladin gains a bonus feat at levels 23, 26, and 29.
奖励专长传奇圣骑士在23级, 26级, 29级将得到奖励专长。
Bonus Feats The epic warlock gains a bonus feat at levels 23, 26, and 29.
奖励专长传奇邪术士在23级, 26级, 29级将得到奖励专长。
For romance or adventure? What are you going to do with your annual bonus?
For romance or adventure ?What are you going to do with your annual bonus ?
浪漫还是冒险, 你的年终奖怎么花?
Apart from these, does your bank offer a credit card bonus points programme
Druid Bear Form's armor bonus does not include enchants or temporary buffs.
The healing bonus is absolutely critical for countering MS and wound poison.
The first tranche of Loyalty Bonus Units was allocated on November13th,2000.
Ask three thousand hair grows pale anxious, make a tail piece of petal bonus.
As you progress, you'll be able to unlock bonus content and earn achievements.
bows , crossbows , and slings bestow the bonus damage upon their ammunition.
But the real downside to a cracking year in Asia is that bonus pools are global.
但是, 亚洲狂欢年的真正麻烦在于, 奖金池是全球性的。
Uncover bonus items in Absolute mode such as Time Freezes, Crystal Balls and more!
如发现时间冻结, 水晶球和更多的绝对模式奖金项目!

单词 bonus 释义

  • 单词释义:奖金;额外的好处;红利  [更多..]



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