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单词 competition 例句大全,用单词competition造句:

The contrast between perfect competition and monopoly is replaced with a network model of competition.
The traditional Chinese opera competition begins today with the initial special competition of Qingyi.
The competition of current business enterprise return a competition which exactly be a talented person.
当前企业的竞争, 归根到底就是人才的竞争。
After the competition ended, Lindane respected the military salute acknowledgment to the entire audience.
Ended after today's competition, the team finished a relatively crowded competition schedule temporarily.
在今天的比赛结束之后, 队暂时结束一个相对密集的赛程。
My first significant personal accomplishment came when I won first prize in a notable musical competition.
It means, for example, we need to work out how to accommodate collaboration and competition simultaneously.
这代表我们必须发想出 如何同时适应合作与竞争
The harbor starts from the system competition stratification plane participation international competition.
Internationally, the situation is complicated and changeable, and competition is becoming increasingly acute.
在国际, 形势复杂多变, 竞争更加激烈。
Therefore in competition's antijamming ability and resistance ability, is Sun Yue is urgently needed enhances.
Economic reforms and trade liberalization had brought to the forefront the need to address competition issues.
Competition of current business circles already performed melt into to supply the competition between catenary.
The media competition is the quality, the character competition, and the industrial chain wrestles plays chess.
Industrial cluster competition has been one of the main contents of the current international economy competition.
This competition, wants to break the game goal land wholeheartedly the Milly peaceful hopeful control competition.
本场比赛, 一心想打破客场进球荒的米利安有望主宰比赛。
The competition organiser may provide additional starting number bibs to be placed on the competitor's trouser leg.
Competition law and policy is credited with the establishment in recent years of effective competition authorities.
The competition of oligarch and cooperative behavior are the spadework object with industrial academic organization.
With the available technology, competition between wealth gradually leads to the competition of highness between buildings.
在技术允许的条件下, 财富的竞争逐渐导致了建筑的竞高。
I enjoy this competition very much, may participate in a lineman unit the competition to make me feel that is very excited.
Therefore, manufacturing enterprises that have won the competition can acquire higher economic profits and rapider development.
Since this ability is instinctive, it is an ability that humans acquired through competition for survival and the process of evolution.
这是本能, 是人类通过生存竞争和进化过程获得的本能。
The competition was extremely fierce and only the students with exceptional academic performance and personal qualities could be selected.
名额竞争激烈, 学校选送的都是品学兼优的学生。
Move forward and manage the tax in accordance with the law actively, in order to contain the malignant tax revenue competition effectively.
A Metabolic Model Based on The Competition Between Glycogen Accumulating Organism and Phosphorus Accumulating Organism with Different Substrates

单词 competition 释义

  • 单词释义:竞争;比赛;竞争者;竞争产品  [更多..]



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