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单词 competition 例句大全,用单词competition造句:

Thinking about the Abuse of Power of Local Government Administration in Tax Competition
In major international competition there is always a preliminary and final competition.
The stability of a reaction diffusion system of competition competition mutualist model
Raises abundantly at competition s final 25 minute substitution card Zola goes on stage.
Vigorous organizational competition will accelerate the process of institutional change.
The crowning achievement of the axiomatic approach is the theory of perfect competition.
Laws enacted to promote free competition by prohibiting agreements to limit competition.
And when you think about nature, often you think about it as being all about competition.
当我们想到大自然 我们大部分想到的是竞争
Adam Smith's famous invisible hand theorem was predicated on the existence of competition.
If you can't figure out a way beat your competition, then you should join the competition.
如果找不到方法打败竞争者, 就应该加入他们。
I have played a perfect competition, but we must achieve this point once more on Wednesday.
我踢了一场完美的比赛, 但我们必须在周三再次做到这一点。
Break though monopolization and accomplish effective competition of the electricity industry
打破垄断, 实现电力业得有效竞争
Players from both teams were quite active that day, the play was marked by fierce competition.
The photographer blew the picture of the actress up and entered it for a national competition.
Competition Ability of Zhejiang Silkworm eggs Compared with that of Jiangsu, Shangdong Province
That means educational competition, the pursuit of higher academic standards and, yes, elitism.
这代表着教育竞争力, 对更高学术标准的追求, 以及精英主义。
International economic and technological competition, in the final analysis talent competition.
My good friend, the pianist Sandra Rivers, had been chosen as accompanist14 for the competition.
我的好朋友, 钢琴手莎拉里维斯, 被选来当我的伴奏。
If I started to draw the emergence of a twogame hole will enter only the additional competition.
Each competition will have a 28 minutes briefing, scheduled prior to the start of the competition.
Each competition will have a 30 minutes briefing, scheduled prior to the start of the competition.
They face a lot of competition, and right now they seem to be ratcheting up the price competition.
它面临很多的竞争, 而且现在的价格竞争似愈演愈烈。
Future society of competition is science and technology, culture and talented person of competition.
Yet what has always remained implicit in such accounts is the competition between domestic companies.
不过, 在这类描述中, 一向没有言明的是国内企业之间的竞争。
Study on the Strategies Competition in Equipment Acquisition of the US Armed Forces and It Inspiration

单词 competition 释义

  • 单词释义:竞争;比赛;竞争者;竞争产品  [更多..]



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