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单词 fad 例句大全,用单词fad造句:

And yet the leadership lessons of the failed explorer have become the latest fad in the inexact art of management science.
Some locals say a supposedly high concentration of negative ions in the atmosphere remember the fad for home ion generators
一些本地人表示, 这里的空气富含负离子
Effects of Fad Pad Between Right Pulmonary Vein and Left Atrial on Converting Focal Pulmonary Vein Firing into Atrial Fibrillation
Pundits are mixed on whether Foursquare represents a major technology trend or a fad but undoubtedly it has captured the zeitgeist of the technology elite at this moment in time.

单词 fad 释义

  • 单词释义:一时的流行;一时的风尚;一时的怪念头  [更多..]



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