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单词 go 例句大全,用单词go造句:

Go up to Ramsgate, cross into France, go through Andorra and into Spain.
Thus, I could share more her video to the world Go Go Go, my dear niece.
Our target is go to Chelsea and win. Arsenal never go anywhere for a draw.
He took the split axe blunt go up, a lot of young also follow blunt go up.
他拿把劈斧冲了上去, 好多年轻也跟着冲了上去。
Go now, go! walk out the door! Just around now, you're not welcome anymore.
The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep.
Go east and go all along Changan Avenue. The World Trade Center is on your left.
往东沿着长安街走到头, 世贸就在你的左手边。
Having despaired of getting her son to go shopping for her, Anna decided to go herself.
would go in the air and stuff in the air would go into the ground has played itself out.
在地上和空中 漂浮不定 已经将自己展示出来了。
The children usually go to bed at halfeight and go to sleep about ten minutes afterwards.
When the conditions exist, go ahead; when they don't exist, then create them and go ahead.
Speaking of lunch, it was time to go out the front door, head up Park Ave and go to lunch.
So we go layer by layer through the organ, analyzing each layer as we go through the organ.
这样我们就能层层深入 解析这个器官的每一层
So we have lots of different ad products, and those ad products go everywhere the tweets go.
我们有很多不同的广告产品, 推文所及之处都可以做广告。
You go and visit old friends, and I'll go and drink tea – that way everyone will be happy.
People who can't afford to go to the theatre or concerts can afford to go to football matches.
The children usually go to bed at half past eight and go to sleep about ten minutes afterwards.
Whoever doing anything go against the solidarity of society would go against all the creatures.
Li Bai sprinkle Jiudong go, put aside the author's refined image of the sky to go out laughing.
What kind of change to the asset would mean its version number will go to1.1 or perhaps go to2.0
Afford to take the courage, let go is to transcend, to get affordable wisdom, let go of philosophy.
拿得起的勇气, 让我们走的是超越, 拿得起的智慧, 放手哲学。
She can go out in the day, go to which always at ambition, but have to return at the midnight white month metropolis.
她白天可以出去, 去哪都随意, 但夜里必须回白月城。
To take on anything, one must first be able to let go. One is truly free who can take on and let go of anything in peace.
Military strategy requires that food and fodder should go ahead, and society creation requires that ideology should go ahead.
Father Mother Me Go swimming Running Have a picnic Visit ships Take photos Go fishing Play basketball Go to a museum Go cycling.

单词 go 释义

  • 单词释义:走,去;离开;去参加;去做…;变得;进展;通向;流逝;相称;放在;花掉;出售;出价购买;辞职;被放入;被寄出;处于…;开始;运转;做动作;唱,说;发出警告;响起;消失;衰退;死亡  [更多..]



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