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单词 although 例句大全,用单词although造句:

Although have no glorious accomplishment, but get too many fun from it.
Although the pork are added in some vinegar but it does not taste sour.
虽然猪手加入了醋, 但完全吃不出酸味。
Mine is hand operated, although I am thinking of adding a 6 volt motor.
我的是手工操作的, 尽管我有增加一个6伏电机的想法。
an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental
Although prices are falling in absolute terms, energy is still expensive.
The actual amount of money was not known although they knew it was large.
Although French is her native language, she speaks with an English accent.
Although we cannot accept your offer at present, we shall bear it in mind.
Although it rained heavily, we still went to the studio according to plan.
Although they did not have much contact, they are actually close relatives.
The hedonism of sex was completely addictive, although I was totally sober.
Although Adam saw the girl cheating, he did not want to cast the first stone.
Although Jeff was given to lying,he never took umbrage at being accused of it.
Although abandoned by her husband, she doesn't want to be a sad abandoned wife.
Although it can read access to occupy quickly, but its memory rate is very slow.
Although her application was not accepted, but she decided to attend the seminar.
尽管她的报名未被接受, 但她仍决定参加研讨会。
Although I can't accuse them of being wrong, but I have my opinion on this point.
虽然不能说他们错, 但我在这一点上要保留我的个人意见。
Although the ship was not at the highest price, but enough to achieve the target.
Epicatechin is also in foods like tea and apples, although may be less absorbable.
Although he is visually impaired, he did not abandon his dream of becoming a tenor.
Therefore, although we are not the absolute joy, actually not as for absolute pain.
因此, 我们虽不是绝对的快乐, 却也不至于绝对的痛苦。
And when I was watching, although has seen many times, she still must accompany me.
当我看, 虽然已经见过很多次了, 她还必须陪着我。
Although the targets we have set are modest, it will still be hard to achieve them.
虽然现在是低指标, 但是完成低指标也是很艰苦, 很不容易的。
Although I have no hopes of ever skiing that way, I do dream of living with abandon.
Although the Primula resources are abundant in China, few of them have been studied.

单词 although 释义

  • 单词释义: 虽然;尽管;然而  [更多..]



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