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单词 almanac 例句大全,用单词almanac造句:

The almanac also noted the days when the sun would be far north or south.
A study on the calculation of true new moon and almanac in xuanming calendar
It is said that one can not live according to the old almanac, so forget old debts.
According to old editions of the Maine Farmer's Almanac, that makes it a Blue Moon.
根据缅因州农民的年历的老版本, 这使得它蓝色的月亮。
Window with far almanac Heteropanax color, fish hook over Shannon near Rocky Stone.
Data bulk of new edition almanac is greater, content is richer, use more convenient.
But the editor at the time was able to get officials to agree not to close the almanac.
但当时, 编辑是可以让让官员同意不封该年鉴的。
I mean, this nautical almanac published the lunar differences for every month of the year.
我是說,這些航海天文曆 包含了每個月的月球活動差異。
And that's more than one can always tell from the breastbone of the man who writes the almanac.
Many senators were named in connection with the scandal The almanac identifies the auspicious months.
He continued to publish it annually for about 25 years, and it came to be known as Poor Richards Almanac.
这本年鉴持续出版了近25年, 以穷理查年鉴为人们所熟知。
Old Farmers Almanac www. Almanac. Com Various odds and ends including a galaxy of astronomical resources.
A World Almanac Poll once found that the Chicago-based advice columnist was the most influential woman in the United States.
The Imperial almanac is the authorized exponent of the threefold harmony subsisting in China between heaven, earth, and man.

单词 almanac 释义

  • 单词释义:历书; 年历; 黄历;年鉴  [更多..]



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