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单词 artistic 例句大全,用单词artistic造句:

Used adhibited piece type parts of an apparatus entirely, The pan is neat and artistic.
全部采用贴片式器件, 板面整洁, 美观。
A Preliminary Discussion of the Artistic Achievement of the Romance Needle Worship Tower
If you adopt spot varnishing, the print works will be more artistic and aesthetic feeling.
The entire stainless steel structure, acidproof and bears the alkali, artistic and durable.
A Preliminary Study of the Relationship between Artistic Education and Aesthetic Education.
The two parts make up of aesthetic features of critics on classic novel's artistic conception.
Aesthetic ability is artistic universal perception superior to sensibility and intellectuality.
Ugliness is the value of negation and artistic ugliness is the opposite of artistic aesthetics.
Freeflying aesthetes in the skies of Russia conclude the World Artistic Skydiving Championships.
As for Yu Qiuyu's artistic theory work, also prepares the academic circles is taken and venerates.
Aesthetic value of literary and artistic works should be judged according to their social benefit.
The thinking process of artistic language embodies the aesthetic differences of the utterance subject.
Nowadays, some actors often do things against artistic morals in the name of promoting traditional arts.
古代, 忠臣往往因为直言规谏君王而遭受处罚。
and he was the Artistic Advisor for Jazz at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.
The book describes the artistic life of Beiqu (operas popular in the North of China) actors at that time.
Artistic education has the functions of Moral education, intellectual education, and aesthetic education.
The aesthetic traits are mainly reflected in the beauties of language, artistic conception and sentiments.
absorption of traditional artistic expressive techniques, combing nobility and serenity, fiction and reality.
吸收传统艺术表现手法, 做到动静, 虚实结合。
Gothic is the greatest artistic achievement in the Middle Ages. Its development has gone through three stages.
哥特式是中世纪艺术的最高成就, 它的发展经历了三个阶段。
Chan verses as a aesthetic category is an epitome of the artistic appreciation and judgement of the Chan Sect.
His work was elaborately shown both in forms of picture and text to reminisce his life and artistic achievement.
The formation of his artistic beauty was related with his special concept of literary theory and aesthetic tropism.
Accurately reflected the theme of the memorial museum and emphasized on the creation of the place and the artistic feeling.
Zhang Jingli was wrapped up in aesthetic study for two years, and strived to make his artistic creation more flexible and mature.
蛰伏近两年的张敬立, 在创作语汇上更加的灵活及成熟。
Chapter one, the view of artistic characteristic The artistic of ZhangHua's poesy is smoothization of emotion and exquisitezation of object.

单词 artistic 释义

  • 单词释义:艺术(家)的;有艺术天赋的;精美的  [更多..]



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