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单词 arts 例句大全,用单词arts造句:

Moslem Martial Arts and the Patriotic Moslem Martial Arts Masters of Modern Times
Up to now she has already published six theses in the academic magazine Fine Arts.
Former Central Academy of Fine Arts, vice president of technology, the Presidency.
历任中央工艺美术学院副院长, 院长。
This video is about the last dance class at Hong Kong Academy for performing arts.
According to legend, martial arts, martial arts stick up for the day mountain camp.
相传武林中, 武功最高为天棒山派。
Ugly reality into art can be accepted by the United States to accommodate the arts ?
Lo Shiping associate professor; Art History Department; Central Academy of Fine Arts.
Our specialists in the fine arts should pay attention to the fine arts of the masses.
Ng Chung graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and got a Bachelor of Art Degree.
Yan Wenliang the pure arts and the practical arts pay equal attention to education ideology.
It also signifies HKU's collaboration for the first time with the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
Rhythm is a pixie in the performing arts and an important means of the expressive force of arts.
节奏是表演艺术中的精灵, 是艺术表现力的重要手段。
Liberal arts colleges are schools that focus on a comprehensive undergraduate academic experience.
The mission of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is to stimulate academic research.
The rich are not martial arts, martial arts hard, many people did and strength, but covered in pain.
有钱人不练武, 练武辛苦, 许多人没有强体, 反而满身是伤痛。
In Western fine arts, architecture and sculpture are the basis of the other formative, or visual, arts.
On the Establishment of an Academic Exchange Platform for Liberal Arts Graduate Students in Polytechnics
Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in folk arts and a revival of traditional arts and crafts.
She was the first woman to be elected as a Fellowof the Academy of Arts and Sciences of the United States.
He also earned the Award of Merit Medal for the Novel from the American Academy of Arts and Letters that same year.
The Training Orientation of College Teachers of Five Arts to Meet the Needs of Secondary Vocational Fine Arts Education
Martial Arts Biographies An Annotated Bibliography lists hundreds of martial arts related biographies and autobiographies.
Whenever an unit in culture and arts, sports and special arts and crafts needs to employ young persons under the age of sixteen
Afew examples where this meaning proves very broad include artifact, artificial, artifice, artillery, medical arts, and military arts.
Associate Professor of Sculpture and Contemporary Art. Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department. Currently teaching Contemporary Metal Fabrication.
广州美术学院, 雕塑系教授, 当代铁艺。

单词 arts 释义

  • 单词释义:文科;艺术( art的名词复数 );艺术作品;(需要技术、工艺的)行业;文艺(包括绘画、雕塑、建筑、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、文学等)  [更多..]



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