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单词 application 例句大全,用单词application造句:

Application materials sent by fax are unacceptableApplication documents and application fees will not be returned.
A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program. The is an example of a multithreaded application.
It should be understood that the requisite laser characteristics may differ greatly from application to application.
For example, an application architect is responsible for the model structure and content of a particular application.
You must complete this application in English unless otherwise stated and follow the application procedures overleaf.
Application procedures and documents required for passport application shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
The application situation and application prospects of artistic coatings on the large and medium buses are introduced.
Retail Predictive Application Server which implements merchandise financial planning application is a software platform.
Where a compensation claimant really has difficulty in completing the application form, he may make an oral application.
A provisional application for patent has a pendency lasting 12 months from the date the provisional application is filed.
Running a realtime application can be very dangerous. If the application misbehaves, the system might hang unrecoverably.
Please send this application form with your Enrolment Application Form as early as possible to reserve your accommodation.
请把你的这个申请登记表, 申请表尽早预留你的住处。
For regular treatment Application every evening after thoroughly cleansing and prior to application of Caviar Night cream.
一般护理每晚洁肤之后, 于鱼子晚霜之前使用。
The defect repair after application of fixation and softening treatment and the application of the specialized auxiliaries
Effect of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer application on growth of spinach and soil nitrogen supply
If the application cannot be executed due to the Spot Price exceeding the specified ceiling, the application will not proceed.
Some application consultants even refuse to allow the applicant to see their application documents once the contract is signed.
Nitrogen application combined with phosphorus application significant influence alkaloids concentration and Total alkaloids yield.
Effect of different rate of nitrogen application and ratio of base and top application on yield and quality of strong gluten wheat
However, these restrictions are still reasonable for application, especially for application in ruin theory, as described therein.
一种可重复锁闭的锁柱, 它包括具有纵轴的锁柱主体
From then on, the application can be started from the desktop like any other local application without the need to run in a browser.
The filing number and the date of filing of the initial application shall be indicated in the request of the divisional application.
The Application Effect of the Seedling Strengthen Agent on Early and Late Rice in Different Seedling Breeding Ways and Application Methods
If the addition or correction is made and the application form returned to the Trademark Bureau within the time limit, the date of application shall be maintained.
All of these provided the need for the development, application and expansion of the electronics gift certificate system, also making the electronics gift certificate system research have an actual application value.

单词 application 释义

  • 单词释义:申请;请求;申请书;运用;生效;应用软件;勤奋;努力;涂抹;施用  [更多..]



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