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单词 application 例句大全,用单词application造句:

The number of application domains that have been unloaded during the run time of the application.
What is the killer class application that drives next generation Internet application after all ?
Any application that does not meet Gold Card requirements may be considered as a Card application.
若阁下之金卡申请未能符合本行要求, 则会当作普通卡处理。
Erroneous law application can be divided into content errors and method errors in law application.
The availability of an application extends beyond the mere availability of the application itself.
The common language runtime host creates an application domain automatically for your application.
Application scope, Application condition, and using method of gypsum admixtures have been retained.
Whether the application for SGS is approved or not, the application materials will not be returned.
无论奖学金申请是否被批准, 上述申请材料恕不退还。
After I've launched the application under test, I simulate a user manipulating the application form.
当启动待测试应用程序后, 我模拟用户操作应用程序窗体。
If additional application is needed, please photocopy this application form and submit it to the Bank.
如须递交更多申请, 请影印此申请表, 填妥后一并交予本行。
A Discussion on the Application of Several Probabilities in the Subscribing Application for New Shares
For application by post, the postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of application.
以邮寄方式递交申请, 信封上的邮戳日期将被视为申请日期。
The default settings on an application correlate to the sections in the application configuration file.
The alteration application may be lodged in reference to the mode of administrative license application.
Application characteristic of modification valonia extract are inspected by application technology test.
The application processing time is the time spent within a transaction processing only the application logic.
An operator may be ware of the reasons for its failed application in the enterprise online application system.
All Shade boxes in the Application Form must be completed, otherwise this application is liable to be rejected.
必须填妥本申请表格内各栏, 否则有关申请将不获受理。
For married couple application, please complete separate application form and submit together at the same time.
夫妇联合申请, 请分别填写申请表并一并交回处理。
If customer decides to proceed with relevant application, customer is required to complete application process.
若客户决定进行有关申请, 客户必须完成有关申请程序。
The application of enlarging esophageal hiatus through abdomen in the proximal stomach cancer radical correction
Legislative application plays a fundamental role in the application of the civil fundamental obligation clauses.
Research and Application of Development Solution on Client of Waybill Information Integrated Application System.
Application of Adjustable Steam Sealing in Steam Turbine Application of Adjustable Steam Sealing in Steam Turbine
Your subscription management application must be able to locate and access the instance and application databases.

单词 application 释义

  • 单词释义:申请;请求;申请书;运用;生效;应用软件;勤奋;努力;涂抹;施用  [更多..]



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