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单词 apply 例句大全,用单词apply造句:

Apply moderate amount facial cream on your face, then massage it gently till your skin absorbs.
In the absence of provisions in this Chapter, other relevant provisions of this Law shall apply.
Focus on entrepreneurs who apply their business acumen on innovating, restructuring the society.
Strong adaptability, which can not only apply to waterglass sand, but also resin sand technique.
Apply a thin layer to area where you usually apply your parfum as wrist, ear back, and hair end.
Apply a suitable amount of this product and spread onto foot, gently massage to allow absorption.
Such acceptance shall apply to this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements annexed hereto.
To apply for Academic degree Examination, one copy of transcript of annual academic year is required.
We should apply advanced experience according to local conditions and shouldn't apply it mechanically.
As wards absorb damage, they now apply hate to the caster appropriate to the amount of damage absorbed.
Apply principles of accounting to run daily bookkeeping of the company and analyze financial information.
The dial calipers apply dial mechanism instead of vernier for readings and can work accurately and rapidly.
I would like to apply for the post of Assistant Accountant as advertised in the Guangming Daily on 12 August.
We shall be able to apply the principle of from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
The above limitation does not apply to the documents of permanent records and of unresolved accounting issues.
OBJECTIVE To apply the chromatic aberration method in the determination of the color of Breviscapine injection.
The accelerated methods apply best to those assets that gen erate greater revenue earlier in their useful lives.
The logic of these provisions should also apply to acquisition financing rights and acquisition security rights.
After washing apply this cream on the face and then gently rub the face or skin until thecream is completely absorbed.
By saying that it is not easy to learn and to apply, we mean that it is hard to learn thoroughly and to apply skilfully.
说学习和使用不容易, 是说学得彻底, 用得纯熟不容易。
Taxpayers shall, in accordance with the law, have the rights to apply for the reduction, exemption and refund of tax.
The Bursars Office. That is also a place where you can apply for financial aid. But make sure you apply for the loan every January.
The provisions in the preceding paragraph shall not apply to any person whose CPA certificate was acquired through a simplified examination.
经检核取得会计师资格者, 不适用前项之规定。
The photocopy of the letter of authorization on the fact that the trustee entrusts the custodian to apply for the opening of bond custody accounts.
Educating and cultivating people is just like planting flowers and trees. First, understand their characteristics. Then apply manure, water, and foster them according to the different characteristics. This is called"teaching students in accordance with their aptitude".

单词 apply 释义

  • 单词释义:申请;应用;适用;涂,敷;有关,涉及;努力;使全神贯注于;按,踩  [更多..]



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