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单词 apply 例句大全,用单词apply造句:

To apply maximum acceleration or thrust. Used of motor vehicles or aircraft.
I ve told you that you should apply the precepts according to the situation!
所以师父有讲过, 戒律也是要看情况。
Instead, in the moment, apply what you HAs absorbed about handling the issue.
相反, 此刻, 因该将本人所学到学识运用到待解决的疑难题目。
Apply mechanically an ad saying Abstain fat goose liver, absolutely new style.
套用一句广告语自制肥鹅肝, 绝对新时尚。
Please select one in accordance with the type of allowance you would like apply.
Criminal laws stipulate that detention de bene esse can apply to active criminal.
The ancient adage, a gentleman makes money through honourable means, still apply.
Parties who refuse to accept the punishment decision may apply for reconsideration.
当事人对决定不服的, 可以申请复议。
If your passport has been, altered or damaged, you cannot apply by apply in person.
The Financial Accounting Services Division to apply for certification of accounting.
Before you apply for a school, you should acquaint yourself with something about it.
Usage After cleansing, apply some on needed parts, gently knead until fully absorbed.
The form of poetry does not apply the abstract sound but the peculiarity of language.
Applicants may apply for classes in accordance to their interest and age suitability.
Apply a proper amount on face and neck after cleansing, pat gently till fully absorbed.
洁肤后, 取适量均匀涂抹于面颈, 轻轻拍打至全部吸收即可。
Apply the Expenditure of the Tax Type to the Acceleration of the Development of Economy
Use my accessibility settings when I log on, and apply my settings to new user accounts.
登录时使用我的辅助功能设置, 并将设置应用到新用户帐户。
apply throughout the actual or intended working life of the relevant parts of the Works.
To Use Apply an appropriate amount of lotion to cleansed face, pat gently until absorbed.
用法洁肤后, 取适量轻拍于面上至吸收即可。
Apply moderate amount of milk on your face, then massage it gently till your skin absorbs.
Such accession shall apply to this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements thereto.
Apply moderate amount of essence on your face, then massage it gently till your skin absorbs.
Your task is to be an active listener, and apply the three active listening techniques above.
After emulsion or essence, apply desired amount evenly onto face and gently massage to absorb.
Apply proper amount onto cleansed face. Pat lightly with fingertips until absorbed completely.

单词 apply 释义

  • 单词释义:申请;应用;适用;涂,敷;有关,涉及;努力;使全神贯注于;按,踩  [更多..]



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