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单词 asap 例句大全,用单词asap造句:

Damn, my sleeping schedule is all messed up! Really need to fix it asap.
Pls. remit balance payment to us asap. so as to arrange shipment on time.
Hope that I will have time and mood to finish this Zaku II ver. Char ASAP!
You know it's the end of the school year. I'd better to finish it up ASAP.
你知道这是所有学校的学年末了, 我得尽快把这事定下来。
Please confirm asap, so that we could arrange the shipment before Jul.1 st.
Please let us know about the order size ASAP if you wish to accept our offer.
Our hiring managers will familiarize with your resume and give you reply asap.
I’ve been craving some good Korean food for nearly a month now. I need some asap!
We've arranged manufacture for the productes you ordered, and we'll try to finish asap.
He wanted to go home to meet his eldest brother to ask him to help leaving Vietnam ASAP.
他一心想回家找到他的大哥, 请他帮忙离开越南。
Please urge the supplier to speed the production of this product asap as we need it badly.
I apologize for the late asking but we want to make correctness of our implementation ASAP.
As the sales peak season is approaching, we urgently need the shipment. Please deliver asap.
Get to the truth of liabilities so as to adopt effective measure to dissolve current liabilities ASAP.
Never knew how fattening ice cream was until now. I better get my ice cream addiction under control asap.
Right now, you and A.D. Skinner are the two primary witnesses to Mulders disappearance. I want your statement taken asap.
现在, 你和斯金纳助理主张是模特失踪的两位主要目击证人
I’m having a party to celebrate my 28th birthday next Saturday. First, we are having dinner at 7 o’clock near Gangnam station. I need to know around how many people are coming in order to make dinner reservations, so please let me know asap. After dinner and a few drinks, we are going to Club Answer where I have a VIP table on the second floor. Just say my name to get free entrance. If you have any problems just call me on my cell 010-123-4567. Hope to see you guys on Saturday!

单词 asap 释义

  • 单词释义:analog system assembly pack 模拟系统组件封装;as soon as possible 尽快地  [更多..]



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