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单词 buddhist 例句大全,用单词buddhist造句:

They can freely attend church services, make pilgrimage to Mecca or pray in Buddhist temples.
The Intercourse of Buddhist Art between Shule and Qiuci in the Light of Archaeological Discovery
The Influence of Buddhist Arts on Drawing and Sculpture in Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasty
Buddhist'youth must Take care of our aim first to make a firm foundation for being a human person.
In addition, there are some stone rubbings and early Buddhist Scriptures printed the more valuable.
With many Buddhist allegorical words in these poems, Zenic enlightenment finds its fullest expression.
He believes in Buddhism, recites Buddhist scriptures, and abstains from eating meat and fish year round.
My master was Abbot Xingzheng. I was born to a devout Buddhist family of several generations of believers.
我师父是当时少林寺的住持, 方丈行正老和尚。
The material of noon shadow preserved in the three different Buddhist Scriptures is analyzed and discussed.
Buddhist poetry, which contains Buddhist thought, dates back as early as the middle of the North Song dynasty.
Large Buddhist temple located near the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is a type of construction, unique appearance.
位于大佛寺附近, 是一座巴比伦空中花园式建筑, 外形独特。
On the Emotional Factors and Image Medicine in the Frescoes Adapted from Buddhist Scripture of the Dunhuang Caves
It is difficult to count the number of Buddhist and Daoist believers, since there are no strict admittance rites.
The job of the keepers of a Buddhist temple, after all, is to help shepherd souls into and through the afterlife.
She is also entitled the Wealth Treasure Buddhist Mother, Wealth Continuing Buddhist Mother, Treasure Source Tara.
Lhabu has made important achievements in Buddhist studies, and enjoys great popularity amongst other monks and lamas.
They are also free to offer sacrifices, give food or alms to Buddhist monks and nuns, burn incense and chant scriptures.
The important value in corpus of the Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures has won the recognition of the academics.
Ven. Tong Ming, who took her ordination vows in 1996, graduated from Malaysian Buddhist Institute Advanced class in 1996.
As a wellknown Buddhist sanctum, the Buddhist tradition started on Mount Putuo can be traced back to the ancient Qin Dynasty.
The Temple of the Six Banyan Trees, the Buddhist temple, was built in 535AD to enshrine Buddhist relics brought over from India.
The Buddhist Scriptures in Dunhuang Manuscripts Influenced by the Daoist Thoughts of Abstaining from Grains as well as Taking the Air
The development of Buddhist in Tang Dynasty provided a broad social space for the transmission of the literature of Buddhist scripture.
By the Buddhist Scriptures of Dunhuang Mss. to Study the Origin and Spread of Folk Buddhist Scriptures among the People in the Tang Dynasty
Built in 1773, the temple once had an abbot to supervise the monks work, such as chanting scriptures at the Buddhist temples in Changchunyuan.

单词 buddhist 释义

  • 单词释义:n.佛教徒;adj.佛教的  [更多..]



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