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单词 buddhahood 例句大全,用单词buddhahood造句:

He even vowed to take across people who slandered him so that they would accomplish Buddhahood before he did.
In the future will achieve Buddhahood, four eloquences, will be the third first mate newspapers.
Without having attained Buddhahood, we cannot achieve the Great Perfection in practicing filial piety.
如果不成佛, 孝字怎麽做也做不到大圆满。
In the future will achieve Buddhahood, in all time valuable lotus flower place, will be the seventh big lucky newspaper.
In the future will achieve Buddhahood, all kind of wisdom heart, will be the famous heart executes the fifth big lucky newspaper.
They are not attached to the fruits of karma, and are but one step from Buddhahood.
If, when I attain Buddhahood, the wisdom and eloquence of bodhisattvas in my land should be limited, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.
The more you wish to attain buddhahood, the clearer you see the need for seeing your guru as buddha.
你愈想成佛, 你就愈清晰的看出将你的上师视为佛的需要。
When you persevere in faith throughout your life, without begrudging your life, you can attain Buddhahood in this lifetime.
当你不自惜身命, 持续一生的信心时, 你可以达到一生成佛。
We all have the potential to attain Buddhahood and everyone is capable of learning the same great compassion of the Buddha.
人人都有成佛的机会, 人人也都能学得与佛相同的悲悯心
It cannot be cut off or destroyed, right up to the attainment of Buddhahood.
For example, Maitreya Bodhisattva became a candidate for Buddhahood after Shakyamuni buddha.
如弥勒菩萨于释迦牟尼佛之后, 候补作佛。

单词 buddhahood 释义

  • 单词释义:n.成为佛陀的状态  [更多..]



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