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单词 buddha 例句大全,用单词buddha造句:

One day, I would like to Buddha promised, I hope that I can give you the appearance of happiness.
有一天, 我向佛祖许了愿, 希望我的出现能带给你快乐。
Had to take a test on Saturday, was not actually anxious, the Buddha foot all did not want to hug.
Supposing killed accidentally, may it will be reborn in the Pure Land under the blessings of Buddha.
In addition, the successor of the Buddha is not an arhat of Sravakayana but is Bodhisattva Maitreya.
Thereupon Ananda and the entire great assembly were dazed, and they stared unblinking at the Buddha.
Shakyamuni Buddha once said that when Maya couldnt attack the Buddha, it would attack His disciples.
释迦牟尼佛也曾经说, 魔打不了佛, 就打祂的弟子。
You could have been able to become a bodhisattva or even Buddha, because you have got the Buddha nature.
明明你可以做佛做菩萨, 因为佛菩萨的存根就在你那里。
He also asked for my calligraphy in Chinese on Dragon, Love and the Dharma Lineage of Adi Buddha Mandala.
他还请我以中文手书龙, 爱及普贤王如来坛城法脉。
Oh! The Buddha, universals restoration the Buddha not once taught the world of mortals the complete rule!
This honour figure of Buddha is the white embryo porcelain that does not apply glair, elegant, meticulous.
One who has achieved a state of perfect spiritual enlightenment in accordance with the teachings of Buddha.
At night, a scholar of Brahman went to see the Buddha, but was stopped by Ananda, a disciple of the Buddha.
The primary Buddha in the Lotus Cave is also Sakyamuni, with his disciples Kasyapas and Ananda by his sides.
莲花洞主佛为释迦牟尼, 旁立迦叶和阿难。
First, regarding going for Refuge to the Buddha, you show reverence to the Buddha and their representatives.
The eighth day of December according to the lunar calendar is the day when the Buddha attained enlightenment.
The bowl that Shakymuni Buddha use to humbly ask for alms, is paradoxically full of heavenly glory and merit.
In Dali District, Yunnan province, Buddha Peek of Cangshan Mountain is like an image of Buddha who lie there.
云南大理苍山十九峰之一的佛顶峰, 整座山峰确像一尊卧佛。
Meanwhile, Mindfulness Buddha Presence a reminder that each of us carries the Buddha nature within ourselves.
同时, 念佛在是提示我们每一人内心之中都有著佛性。
All these birds are the creations of Amitabha Buddha, fashioned in order to broadcast the sounds of the Dharma.
Zen thinks that Buddha exists in the hearts of each person, Once you come to yourself, you will become a Buddha.
禅宗认为佛存在于每个人的心中, 一悟即至佛地。
The walls of the restaurant were sepia colored plastered with old posters Buddha sharing the wall with a liquor ad.
My family and I are Buddhist. I remember a famous scentence of Buddhism that your heart is buddha and you are buddha.
我和我的家庭都是佛教徒, 记得佛教里说, 心既是佛, 你就是佛。
Buddha is in the middle of the altar is Xiangmo as Sakyamuni, is the left side of the Maitreya, the Buddha is on the right side.
佛坛的正中间是降魔释迦像, 左边是弥勒佛, 右边是阿弥陀佛。
Fifth, you should make prostration to the Buddha of the ten directions, to the Buddha of whichever direction in which you are heading.
I also would like to dedicate the merit and virtue of my cultivation to both of you, and respectfully ask Amitabha Buddha to take care of you.

单词 buddha 释义



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