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单词 garnish 例句大全,用单词garnish造句:

Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. No garnish
摇后入冰镇马提尼杯, 无饰物
Divide the filling on the lettuce, sprinkle chopped green onion to garnish. Serve.
在生菜叶上平均放上馅料, 再洒上葱花作装饰即成。
Blend with ice and serve in an frozen drink glass. Garnish with grated orange peel.
果汁机法, 入冰镇杯饰橙皮。
Shake with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon peel.
For one more garnish, he adds a flowering chive stem for its pungent garlic flavor.
最后还要加上一根开花的韭薹, 取其浓烈的蒜味。
Decorate with whipped cream rosettes and garnish the cherries and chocolate hearts.
表面用奶油挤花, 然后放上樱桃和心形巧克力装饰。
Garnish Inscribe stars made from red apple skin into a triangle made of green apple.
Garnish the cake with whipped cream, blueberries coconut shreds and chocolate shaves.
用少许的打发的鲜奶油, 蓝莓, 椰丝和巧克力碎装饰。
Shake well with ice and strain into a chilled wine glass. Garnish with grated nutmeg.
混合入冰镇红酒杯, 饰肉豆蔻粉。
Turn off the fire. Stir with egg whites, seasoning and petals. Garnish with crab roe.
最后熄火, 加入拂匀的蛋白, 调味料及菊花瓣, 用蟹籽装饰即成。
Build all ingredients in a highball glass with ice and garnish with a squeeze of lime.
Then garnish with fried capers and drizzle balsamic dressing and raspberry coulis around.
Blend all ingredients with ice. Pour into a rocks glass. Garnish with chocolate shavings.
Roughly chop the vegetables, and keep back a little to chop finely and serve as a garnish.
Shake with cracked ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon slice.
Blend ingredients with crushed ice and serve in a large goblet. Garnish with slice of banana.
Stir ingredients to chill and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lemon peel.
Spread the sauce over the steamed aubergine. Garnish with the shredded spring onion and serve.
Add ingredients to mixing glass. Pour over crushed ice in margarita glass. Garnish with cherry.
入混合杯加冰, 入玛格丽特杯饰樱桃
Garnish with eyelash clip eyelash clip becomes warped, will for with false eyelash after ready.
Garnish with brunet eye shadow aggravating eye end, on the vision to pull the effect of eye end.
Shake ingredients well with crushed ice. Pour into highball glass. Garnish with pineapple wedge.
Slice the beef fillet thickly, toss well with the sauce. Lastly garnish with fried garlic slices.
把牛柳切成厚条, 与汁拌匀或淋面, 最后洒上金黄蒜片享用。
Pour away excess water. Pour over seasoning mix. Garnish with shredded green onion and red chili.
倒去多馀水份, 淋上调味料, 饰以葱丝及红辣椒。
Shake all ingredients with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange peel.
加冰摇后入冰镇三角杯, 饰橙皮。

单词 garnish 释义

  • 单词释义:装饰,文饰;给…加配菜;[法]传讯  [更多..]



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