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one that differs from a norm,especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards
a cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account.
他开出一张1, 000美元的支票并将其给了秘书。
From the perspective of abroad, learn from the prevention and management experience from foreign local public crisis.
Jackets are being made from discarded plastic bottles, briefcases from worn-out tires and belts from beer-bottle caps.
The basic cognitive rule for people to know the world is from the near to the far and from the concrete to the abstract.
人们的基本认知规律是由近及远, 由具体到抽象的。
Degeneration of Dendritic Cells from Human Peripheral Blood and Acquirement Antigen from Apoptotic Hepatochlangioma Cells
Neither did they penance from their murders, nor from their sorceries, nor from their fornication, nor from their thefts.
他们也没有悔改, 放弃各种凶杀, 邪术, 奸淫和偷窃。
Of the 20 accessory coronary arterys, 19 arised from the right aor tic sinus and 1 arised from the posterior aortic sinus.
在这20支副冠状动脉中, 19支起于主动脉右窦, 1支起于主动脉后窦。
Used for catching cold the intestines and stomach disease caused, suffer from diarrhoea, suffering from abdominal pain etc.
All things will change from void to existence, from emptiness to fullness, from birth to death, being deceitful and untrue.
一切事相随时变迁幻化起起灭灭, 是虚假不真实的。
The fact that the following moment I abstained from lifting my arm did not prove that I could have abstained from lifting it.
在那个时刻之后, 我不再举起胳膊, 并不是证明我能不举它。
The sources of glucose supply are the glucose from endogenous production and one from intestinal absorption in lactating cows.
Customs there are so different from those in the heartland of the country that people from the interior can hardly adapt to them.
生活习惯更与内地不同, 内地人极难适应。
Effect of alkaloid abstracted from Oxytropis kansuensis upon immunological cell competence and count in peripheral blood from mice
Many beauties come from here, that's really in accordance with the saying that people from the same natural environment are alike.
The reading of symbiotic N fixation from acetylene reduction method in vivo were remarkably higher than those from the method in vitro.
About 50 meters away from the center plaza,2.5 Kilometers from railway station and 20 kilometers from Liangjiang International Airport.
In Britain there's a new product called ' X-Fat ' that is derived from shellfish and allegedly keeps fat from being absorbed by the body.
From this, an angled adaptor is used with a clipper to create layers that vary from the shortest setting for that adaptor to the longest.
用角度调适器和剪刀一起, 从最短到最长打不同的层次。
which is, that accusation comes from people in the U. S. government, from people in the media who are loyalists to these various governments.
那些指责来自美国政府 来自媒体里拥护各个政府的人
Fatty acids were isolated from Arnebia euchroma for the first time and fatty acid lactones have been firstly isolated from Boraginaceae plants.
Material World Weekly science conversation, on everything from archaeology to zoology, from abacus to the antipodean rodent zyzomys, by way of meteorites.
题目是物质世界, 其实这是个纯自然的节目, 比较讲究科学性。
The funds for the evening schools come from the public revenue from superstition, from ancestral temple funds, and from other idle public funds or property.
Data from a new study of 120,000 nurses suggest that protein from poultry and dairy foods-but not from red meat-may reduce by one-third the risk of dying of cancer.
And these projects are not backed by billions of dollars in advertising, but they've found support really from the people, from private individuals like you and I from all over the world.

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