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单词 fresh 例句大全,用单词fresh造句:

Main products fresh water crawfish series, fresh water shrimp series, fresh water channel catfish, etc.
主要产品小龙虾, 青虾, 鱼片等三大系列。
The fresh milk is not cannot adulterate, but must achieve confuses falsehood with the truth, is not easy.
鲜奶并不是不能掺假, 但是要做到以假乱真则不容易。
Fresh baked pizza bread topped with oyster sauce, roast poast pork, fresh mushrooms and seasonal vegetable
Study on relations between fall sowing time, accumulated temperature and fresh ear yield of table waxy corn
Cryopreserved human semen is generally acknowledged to have an impaired fertility compared with fresh semen.
冻贮后的人精液与新鲜精液相比, 其生殖力明显下降。
Among them, both inosine acid, birds in general to nucleoside acid and MSG are used together raises fresh.
Probe the Fresh Pattern of Morphology Test Education, Practice Fresh Distinguishing Feature of Morphology Test
Study on the relation between suitable harvest period and effective accumulative temperature in fresh waxy corn
Effects of pentoxifylline on adhesion molecules expression in acute lung injury of fresh water drowning in canis
Restaurant worker Baek Munsoo said he likes the fresh taste of live octopus tentacles. Live means fresh, he said.
Preparation Biological Active Peptide from Fresh Silkworm Chrysalis with Method of Enzymolysis and Ultrafiltration
Take papaya breast enhancement, how many fresh Chinese flowering quince does that eat to you can achieve the result
吃木瓜丰胸, 那吃多少新鲜木瓜可以达到效果?
Plenteous fresh water is the magnitude guarantee of the subsistence and society abidance development of human being.
Rangers from the Bunung aborigine tribe are fresh troops for Yushan National Park's Planning and Management Division.
In this paper, fresh in vitro porcine liver tissues were heated in waterbath and the ultrasound images were acquired.
Fresh food is not only good for nutrition, but good for the mind as well. A fresh tomato can really boost psychology.
Studied the effect of citric acid, lactic acid and acetic acid on the black memtrane elimination of fresh beef omasum.
Studies on Adaptability of Glutinous Maize and Sweet Corn for Fresh Consumption in Early Sowing and Forcing Cultivation
In those fresh preparation, calcium oxalate in vegetable puree higher than that of fresh vegetable and vegetable juice.
Fresh dependent and therapeutic medicine and Chinese medicine homologous food, medicine, fresh thinking on the homology.
Mangoes and rice, mangoes and rice, Maintaining green color and keeping fresh of fresh areca catechu were studied in this paper.
However pectinmethylesterase activity, pectin and methoxyl groups were barely delectable Rapid Increment of achenes fresh weight.
雌花测得有果胶酯酶, 果胶及甲氧基存在, 惟其量极微。
The meeting when winter of fresh Chinese flowering quince is taken slightly acrid, it is normal phenomenon, set his mind at please edible.
Air Supply Plans Comparison of Centralized Fresh Air Handling and Floor by Floor Air Handling in the AC Engineering of Office Building or Hotel
The abduct below his involuntary discharge of urine battles melt into branches and leaves is dense, the of Deng Lin of fresh fruit again and again.

单词 fresh 释义

  • 单词释义:不同的;最近的;新鲜的;新颖的;洁净的;清新的;清凉的;(水)淡的;鲜艳的;精神抖擞的;刚从…来的;粗鲁的  [更多..]



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