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单词 fresh 例句大全,用单词fresh造句:

Fresh mint, cool release surplus energy, to make your lasting fresh breath.
The rock mass consists of fresh sericite quartz phyllite or fresh leptynite.
Today's snowfall superimposed a fresh two inches on yesterday's accumulation.
drink using fresh Rhizoma Imperatae in Sam Sun, Xianou section, fresh thistle
在三鲜饮中用鲜白茅根, 鲜藕节, 鲜小蓟
Aweto is absolutely natural, wild and fresh without any factitious processing.
Use Leaf Pulp of Fresh Aloe Sticking to Treat 22 Cases of Acute Gouty Arthritis
The trend offers fresh avenues and fresh challenges for frustrated job seekers.
You don't worry about it, Our fresh juice is one hundred percent fresh squeezed.
Eddie, fresh out of accounting school, went to an interview for a good paying job.
埃迪刚刚从会计学校毕业, 去应聘一个薪酬丰厚的职位。
Cats may be better off fed inexpensive fresh fish than cat food, and dogs'fresh meat.
猫用便宜的新鲜鱼类喂养要比猫食好, 而则用新鲜肉喂养。
Antioxidant activity is one of the important index to evaluate the quality of fresh milk.
Abstract Fresh Chinese milkvetch is separated into juice and fine dregs and fibroid dregs.
摘要将紫云英鲜草分离为草汁, 细渣, 纤维状渣
I am a graduate fresh from Department of Accounting, Hebei University of Economy and Trade.
Effects of Heating on the Activity of Alkaline Phosphatase in Fresh Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum
Maintaining green color and keeping fresh of fresh areca catechu were studied in this paper.
Fresh sliced tomatoes, Mozzarella cheese, fresh garlic and fresh basil with Parmesan cheese.
新鲜蕃茄片, 芝士, 蒜蓉及新鲜罗勒香叶。
The fresh water with the biggest crop of abalone department United States is high grade fish.
Please specially note Can not use limonene etc. , supersede a fresh Lemon to absorb to snuff!
请特别注意不可以用柠檬精油等, 替代新鲜柠檬来吸闻!
The mollusk fair contract of fresh water melts to breed with the active research of egg white
Influence of Late Sowing on Root, Dry Matter Accumulation and Fresh Yield in Vegetable Soybean
The fresh yam noodle is processed and manufactured with raw materials of fresh yam, flour and salt.
以鲜山药, 面粉, 食盐为原料加工制作鲜山药面条。
The Study of Fermentation Characteristics for the Active Dry Yeast and Fresh Yeast in Low Temperature
Objective To observe the curative effect on acute eye burn treated with fresh amnion transplantation.
Fresh young coconut juice served with black jelly and sliced fresh young coconut topped with ice cream
新鲜椰清汁配爽口椰肉, 凉粉及冰激淋
Changes in dry weight and the ratio of fresh weight and dry weight have the same trend as fresh weight.

单词 fresh 释义

  • 单词释义:不同的;最近的;新鲜的;新颖的;洁净的;清新的;清凉的;(水)淡的;鲜艳的;精神抖擞的;刚从…来的;粗鲁的  [更多..]



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