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单词 enact 例句大全,用单词enact造句:

The government launched a threemonth public consultation on its controversial proposals to enact antisubversion legislation.
引起争论的反颠覆立法, 政府已开展为期三月的公众谘询。
Steps are being taken to enact relevant legislation and to accede to international conventions to counter terrorist activities.
The State Council is the highest organ of the State administration and has the power to enact administrative rules and regulations.
At the pressing instances of the Chamber of Commerce, the parliament has promised to enact laws that will protect the interests of businessmen.
应商会的一再请求, 议会同意立法, 以保护商人的利益。

单词 enact 释义

  • 单词释义:制定法律;规定;颁布,颁布;担任…角色  [更多..]



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