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单词 adopted 例句大全,用单词adopted造句:

Some of his poetries was adopted in popularly songs, which extended its acceptance scale.
The same procedure shall be adopted in the event of withdrawal or abandonment of the case.
一旦撤诉或放弃诉讼, 也应当采取同样程序。
She constantly abused her adopted son for no reason. Even the neighbors couldn't stand it.
In Lesotho a concrete plan of action has been adopted to achieve education for all by2013.
In Lesotho a concrete plan of action has been adopted to achieve education for all by2015.
She constantly abused her adopted son for no reason. Even the neighbors could not stand it.
她经常无缘无故诟詈养子, 邻居们都看不惯了。
High processing accuracy due to super precision linear motion pair adopted in moving parts.
运动部分采用高精度直线轴承运动副, 组角精度高。
High processing accuracy due to super precision linear motion pair adopted in mobbing parts.
Several ways can be adopted to excite the activation of coal spoil used as cement additives.
In the past adopted children were mostly abandoned children or those from very poor families.
过去, 收养的儿童大多数是弃婴或家境贫困的孩子。
Not a single item of policy adopted in our actual struggle was out of keeping with this task.
And different methods of producing adjacent state for different design variables are adopted.
并针对不同的设计变量, 采用了不同的邻域产生方法。
Absorb gun adopted hot desoldering and strong power vacuum pump to clean up the tin efficient.
Methods Absorbable stick were adopted in the treating 37 cases of hand and foot bone fracture.
A novel process was adopted to gain activated carbon with high area from coconut shell charcoal.
The Bill contains no changes to the acquisition of citizenship for children adopted in Australia.
The thiophene hydrodesulfurization was adopted to evaluate the activity of the nitride catalysts.
The linkage of direet acting isolation clearance and vacuum rac exting uishing chamber is adopted.
In order to address these problems, Shengwen immediately adopted three rectifications and reforms.
A financial subsidy scheme is to be adopted gradually and the prices for medical service adjusted.
If adjustment parameters are in equality constraint, generalized inversion method will be adopted.
The regulation on the application of international accounting standards was finally adopted in2002.
In determining the adequacy of information disclosure, patients'rule or standard should be adopted.
在决定医师的信息披露是否充分上, 应坚持患者标准。
The isothermal adjustment method was adopted to relieve distortion of titanium alloy blade profile.
Ideas that are adopted will be recognized in accordance with a project specific recognition program.

单词 adopted 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.被收养的,被采用的  [更多..]



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