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单词 button 例句大全,用单词button造句:

This is a toolbar used to adjust the Save button on the new and interchangeable source.
Press button number 1 and all these adjustments move to the first driver s preferences.
Admiring the trivia greaty, the man with sunglasses pressed the button again and again.
and then we can use a second button to adjust the volume, to turn it up or turn it down.
再用第二個旋鈕調整音量 調高或調低
Button type needle distance adjustment device is suitable for production of multi types.
Release the button and the UpDown action shifts to 10stop increment aperture adjustment.
Mouse control, click the left mouse button archery, adjust the mouse up and down position.
When the CYCLE START button is pressed, the control lamp located above this button goes on.
The various heart conditions can be programmed onto cassettes that are activated by a button.
心脏的各种情况可编成程序, 录在用电钮启动的盒式磁带上。
When the mouse button is released, the button is triggered, and its associated action occurs.
当鼠标按键释放后, 按钮就被触发, 与之相关的动作就会出现。
The ratio of button procedures, can mimic the effect of glass button. After personally testing.
The button on my trousers remnant, this one button total liability! Be negative total liability!
No problem, madam, Push this blue button, the seat recline button, and lean back at the same time.
Pre production trials of activated nickel button containing sulphur by a new process are described.
Nudge button A button on the end of a scroll bar which can be pressed to move the current position.
移动按钮位于滚动条底部, 点击可移动当前位置的按钮。
The stone after the above several processes to complete after grinding, engraving button to button.
石章经过以上几道工序磨制完成后, 有钮的才进行雕钮。
Click the left mouse button comes fling, mouse control movement, Tianqiu Click the left mouse button.
Use thumb to keep selfs hand on accommodate oneself to but relaxed usage of small switch place button.
The Bailey Button can either be worn up or cuffed down adding a little variety depending on your style.
The button hole is used to install the button. There is a button leading salient around the button hole.
Other sites that ventral hernias can develop are the belly button or any other area of the abdominal wall.
Press and hold the left mouse button, drag the mouse and adjust their angles, and release the mouse archery.
按住鼠标左键, 拖动鼠标调整角度和力度, 松开鼠标射箭。
Other products include different kinds of stretchy collar hooks, trouser button and other clothing accessories.
One pushed the button for five, the other pushed the button for six. Why did the elevator go to the sixth floor first?
The Turnout dispenser consists of a patented reversible caddy, which is activated manually or by automatic push button.
投票机由一个专利可逆的球童, 这是激活手动或自动按钮。

单词 button 释义

  • 单词释义:纽扣;按钮;徽章  [更多..]



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