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单词 button 例句大全,用单词button造句:

The 8second timer is activated when the shutter button is pressed.
To add some more texture brush you can click on the texture button.
为了增加更多的纹理, 你可以单击纹理按钮。
Press the individual release button and turnout button in sequence.
Some controls have visible labels, as Push Button and Option Button.
某些控件有标签, 如按钮和选项按钮。
The I'm Feeling Lucky button was replaced with an Insert Coin button.
Activate the button below to send a confirmation mail to your address.
A button code, is used to the whole shape of the button, Arrow button.
一个按钮代码, 是用来整按钮的形状, 箭形按钮。
Insert two new button instances for up and down scrolling For Up Button
Chahuang million cards and the button lag, display a clear and accurate.
Catch the button in the loop and slide the button back through the hole.
Identifies which button is checked by default in the radio button group.
UI Button Represents an action, button, or hotspot on a form or document.
The autoexposure button is awkwardly placed under the lens release button.
A single Compare button might more accurately represent the action to users.
Added support for Right Shoulder button on controller to chapter skip forward
When pressing the outside call button a special arrow above button lights up.
当按动机外启动按钮, 于按掣上方的一个特别的箭咀会亮著。
Enlarge the size of the button to see that the button now displays the image.
The button type adopted maked the adjustment of stitch length simple and easy.
由于采用了按钮式, 使针距长度的调节变的简单易行。
With this button, you can automatically adjust Exposure and Black Point values.
If you press the red button near the bottom it will activate the washing machine.
按靠近底部的红色按钮, 就会启动洗衣机。
Click the right mouse button start the game, click the left mouse button shooting.
There is no door closing button. Press any floor button to close the landing door.
这里没有关门按掣, 按下任何楼层按钮以关闭机门。
If you don't know what a toolbar button does, position the pointer over the button.
如果不了解工具栏按钮的功能, 请将指针放置在按钮上。
The left mouse button activates commands, and the right mouse button presents options.
Mobile mouse can adjust the angle of archery, press the left mouse button can be fired.
移动鼠标可以调整射箭的角度, 按下鼠标左键即可发射。

单词 button 释义

  • 单词释义:纽扣;按钮;徽章  [更多..]



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