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单词 date 例句大全,用单词date造句:

Note2 The proposed effective date shall not be earlier than the date of establishment of the IMC.
Declaration Date The date and amount of the next dividend payment as set by the board of directors.
If a tax return is mailed, the date on the postmark shall be regarded as the actual date of lodgement.
Latest date of delivery of the Guidebook to Erection18 months from the Effective date of the Contract.
For application by post, the postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of application.
以邮寄方式递交申请, 信封上的邮戳日期将被视为申请日期。
They will communicate with the other party's solicitor and arrange a handover date and completion date.
The date of the cancellation will be the date on which the party receives the notice of nonperformance.
According to delivery date, order shipment space and contact will forwarder to confirm the loading date.
根据交货日期, 进行订仓并与货代联系确认装箱日期。
Shipment The Date of the Bill of Lading shall be accepted as a conclusive evidence of the date of shipment.
And, for those purposes, the date of the confiscation order shall treated as the date of the judgment debt.
而为该等目的, 没收令的日期须当为判决债项的日期。
The Date of Bill of Lading shall be taken as the actual date of the delivery of the TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION.
Close Position Date and the Last Trading Date set by KGI regarding the latest Global Futures contract month.
The due date for review of an account shall normally be the anniversary date of last sanction of the account.
The overseas purchase and tracks the sample, shipment date, destination date and correlated import documents.
国外采购并随时跟踪样品, 出货日, 到港日及相关进口文件。
If the application is sent by mail,the date of mailing indicated by the postmark shall be the date of filing.
The Intended Completion Date is the date on which it is intended that the Contractor shall complete the Works.
a modification date compare against the original Documents modification date, to see if it needs to be reindexed.
The date of issuance of a company business license shall be the establishment date for a limited liability company.
The date of issuance of the business license of a contractual joint venture shall BE the date of its establishment.
合作企业的营业执照签发日期, 为该企业的成立日期。
With respect to service by mail, the date indicated on the receipt of registered mail shall be the date of service.
If the expiry date is not the trading day, the expiry date shall be correspondingly postponed to the next trading day.
shall entitle the holder to all dividends payable on the Common Shares by reference to a record date after the date of conversion.
The date of issue and the date of maturity of a negotiable instrument shall be determined by the parties thereto according to law.
票据的出票日, 到期日由票据当事人依法确定。
On the first date they tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date, ' says Mike, aged 10.
The effective date of withdrawal from the partnership shall be the actual date of occurrence of any of the circumstances enumerated in the previous paragraph.

单词 date 释义

  • 单词释义:日期;年代;时期;会晤时间;在某日;约会(对象);椰枣  [更多..]



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