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单词 date 例句大全,用单词date造句:

Thus, the on board date mattered more than the date of issuance of the document.
I still don't understand why you don't just ask him out on an official date date.
Payment Date The date on which a declared stock dividend is scheduled to be paid.
The anniversary of your Admission Date will also be your Subscription Renewal Date.
The reservationist wants to know the guest's date of arrival and date of departure.
Date from which interest begins to accrue on a new issue, frequently the issue date.
指新发行的证券开始计息的日期, 通常为证券的发行日。
One of the various buttons are automatic interlocking, the date of the current date.
其中, 各个按钮是自动互锁的, 日期是当前最新的。
The public notice comes into effect from the next date after the date of publishing.
The indicated date of receipt on the postal certificate shall be the date of service.
An endorsement without a specified date is deemed made prior to the date of maturity.
In order to fully utilize red date resource, red date health wine has been developed.
为充分利用红枣资源, 开发了红枣保健酒。
Forging or blurring the production date, safe use date or expiry date of a commodity.
伪造或者模糊标注生产日期, 安全使用期或者失效日期等。
The company fails to pay on the stipulate date or on the date stipulate in the contract.
For example, if a date is required, a date picker is displayed rather than a text field.
The bill does not advance due to the date of transfer or after the date of Sunday invalid.
Article 35 The date the audit report issued the CPAs the date of completion the fieldwork.
The date that order a ticket and book arrangement date to undertake adjustment at any time.
Signed and sealed by both parties , to both the effective date of the last signature date.
So perhaps you are suffering from Important Date Fatigue as well as Important Date Cynicism.
因此, 也许你患有重要日期疲劳症以及重要日期讥讽症。
Jason No. It was our second date. On the first date I picked you up at the Womens Lib Rally.
Try to leave a few days space in between the date of the eclipse and the date of the signing.
Please check and confirm that you accept this way of printing production date and expiry date.
打印生产日期和有效期, 请确认您们是否接受这个方法。
If no such date is shown in the letter, it shall accrue from the postmark date on the envelope.
The date of receiving the Royal Assent was taken to be the date of commencement of the statute.
The signing date of the said certificate shall be deemed as the completion date of the Erection.

单词 date 释义

  • 单词释义:日期;年代;时期;会晤时间;在某日;约会(对象);椰枣  [更多..]



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