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单词 chairman 例句大全,用单词chairman造句:

My delegation, for one, fully understood the concerns of the Acting Chairman from the outset.
Chairman of hemp hemp chairman week surnames hemp, in small town assist branch does chairman.
麻会长周伟麻会长姓麻, 在小镇个协分会做会长。
I also want to thank the previous Chairman for the kind words and good wishes addressed to me.
if the chairman resigned of his own accord, rather than as a result of pressure from the board.
最好是懂事长自动请辞, 而不是由董事会施压。
Kindly address yourself to the chairman, not directly to other representatives at this meeting.
Xu, vice chairman NPC Standing Committee to serve as honorary chairman of the Promotion of text.
Heston served as president of the Screen Actors Guild and chairman of the American Film Institute.
He obeyed the mandate, walking up to the platform, as was the custom, and addressing the chairman.
The Chairman said that the request for a visit to Guam had been refused by the administering Power.
The speaker was absent from the meeting, so the chairman rose to the occasion by changing the topic.
It's the chairman's right to adjudicate on any question on which the committee members cannot agree.
Acting Chairman's direction for payment of petty cash to the National Transition Legislative Assembly
Having delivered his address, the Chairman prevailed upon him to take a few questions from the floor.
The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the committee are elected by the members of the House Committee.
In the absence of the Chairman, the Committee shall elect one of its members to act as temporary Chairman.
如主席不能出席会议, 则由另一委员担任临时主席。
She was appointed to the additional post of Chairman in March 2007, following Altria Groups spinoff of Kraft.
卡夫脱离奥驰亚集团之后, 她又于2007年3月被任命为总裁。
Finally, we remand us of chairman Maos famous wordsthe imperialism never abandon its intention to destroy us !
终于, 我们有想起了毛主席的话帝国主义亡我之心不死!
The Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property made a statement.
It is a committee of equals where in the Prime Minister is Chairman,a lofty Chairman indeed,and yet but a Chairman.
The report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions was presented orally by its Chairman.
The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Committee are elected by and from among the members of the House Committee.
While Home Inn entering the market, he was the board chairman and performed the actor as the director behind the screen.
The Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions and the Controller made concluding statements.
The chairman or vice chairman of a trade union shall not be arbitrarily transferred to another unit before the expiration of his tenure.
The Central Committee also decided that I should retain the posts of Chairman of the Military Commission of the Party and Chairman of the Military Commission of the state.

单词 chairman 释义

  • 单词释义:主席;主持人;总裁  [更多..]



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