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单词 tree house 例句大全,用单词tree house造句:

There is an empty house across the tree house.
Come on up! she called. Annie and Jack started up the rope ladder. They climbed up the tree house.
Background map, is the next figure shows the tree houses the like are available for the.
Kiss me down by the broken tree house
Almost invisible mirrored tree house built in Sweden.
Coupled with the two Chinese parasol tree house, the yard many shady and cool.
Finally, your tree house is now ready to be paint and do some decorations the way you want it to look like.
最后, 粉刷装饰树屋, 你爱怎么滴就怎么得。
The tree house is definitely a fun fair for both young and old.
They ran for the Warthog parked on the dirt track at the base of the tree house.
In my dream, there was a person from Magic Tree house for no reason.
Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit.
Spruce Tree House is the third largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park.
The tree house was taken down. I know all about keeping the faith and not sneaking.
我们拆掉了小房子。人要忠实, 不能出卖朋友, 这我懂。
Morgan le Fay was waving to them from the magic tree house high in the branches.
摩根 拉菲在枝条错落的魔法树屋上朝他们朝手。
Then I'd fly into the sky to see you in your tree house.
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单词 tree house 释义

  • 单词释义:树上小屋,巢屋  [更多..]



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