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单词 well known 例句大全,用单词well known造句:

Shu da toothpaste is well known for its quick usage, outstanding effect and absolute safeness.
Lead is well known to be toxic and clearly can be absorbed into the body from ambient air.
众所周知, 铅是有毒的, 显然能从环境空气中吸入人体。
Abstract It is well known that environmental stress screening is a very effective tool to find the weaknesses in a product.
摘要筛选是一种发现产品潜在缺陷的, 极为有效的方法。
Efforts from everyone accelerated the Badashanren forum to be well known.
The two well known ones are the American and British accent.
hes well known for his account of phallic symbols,
It is well known that accretion disks are hydrodynamic disks with anomalous viscosity.
In Han Feizi, Wu Du,"Long sleeves help one to dance skifully, and much money helps one to achieve success in business." He is well known in his company for using tricks to serve himself.
Prof. Jackson is well known to the world for his achievements in the field of electronics.
The high quality of our product is well known and universally acknowledged.
我方产品的高质量已是众所周知, 并得到广泛认可。
As well Known , both of the wind loads and seismic loads acting on the columns change along the distance from the ground.
众所周知, 风载和地震载荷沿塔高都是变化的。
The actor is well known to us.
He is a well known actor, especially good in martial roles.
Apparently, well known actors were at these filthy parties.
young actress who hopes to become a film star but is not yet very well known
Less well known is the advantage that Adam Abbott has in life over Zo
In addition, the SBA is well known for its disaster relief program.
S. selected presidential inaugural addresses. It is well known that the U.
He was well known in the village in his adolescence.
She is well known for her advocacy of women's rights.
Its easy to put yourself in contacttouch with him, he is an affable person and well known there.
The love affair between the two enterprises is well known.
Formaldehyde is a well known toxic air impurity affecting the upper respiratory tract.
Afterwards, he became a well known novelist all over the country.
后来, 他成了闻名全国的小说家。
The recent failures of credit rating agencies are now well known.
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单词 well known 释义

  • 单词释义:众所周知的;出名的  [更多..]



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