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单词 occasionally 例句大全,用单词occasionally造句:

Most are carrying flowers, and occasionally they hold them aloft as though they are torches.
Occasionally also has the bird cry, also has the insect to call, heavy rain, all dissipates.
偶尔也有鸟鸣, 也有虫叫, 一场大雨, 所有消散。
Occasionally the author adds a terse footnote to a redaction he feels especially sore about.
Occasionally acting like a spoiled brat is thought you can guess my regard, but you by no means so.
偶尔的撒娇是想你能揣测我的心意, 可你并未如此。
But those antiabortion protesters weren't the ones who occasionally appeared at my campaign rallies.
Any anxiety you feel about your occasionally wayward memory later in life may actually make it worse.
Even the media April fools Day occasionally try to deceive the public with a clever April Fool story.
You can also weak, and can occasionally childish, I will pamper you, sympathy and affection you.
According to psychologists, occasionally dreaming about things that will never happen can relax people.
It may be necessary occasionally to give an auxiliary dimension for reference, possibly for inspection.
Occasionally, the hip and shoulder joints develop severe arthropathy, requiring total joint replacement.
Comparable to foreign habit of affectionately and occasionally referring to your little brother as dummy.
Occasionally, more than one node may have to be biopsied in order to determine the appropriate diagnosis.
偶尔, 活检不止一个淋巴结以作出恰切的诊断。
You heard that occasionally children are born with tails, and it's because it's an ancestral characteristic.
你听过 有些孩子出生时有小尾巴 这就是返祖现象
Occasionally, a rosette of small centrilobular nodules may be visible, surrounding the centrilobular artery.
Light therapy, like antidepressant medications, occasionally will cause someone to switch into a manic state.
The only downside she can point to is occasionally feeling uncomfortable about the exclusive aspect of the garden.
她能指出的唯一缺点是, 偶尔会对花园的排他性感到不自在。
Occasionally entrepreneurs sell out and become committed members of corporate teams, adding their spirit of enterprise.
One realtor I know occasionally comes home discouraged,but she has an agreement with her husband that covers circumstance.
Who to see occasionally not pleasing to the eye, be still troubled by is listening to this is depressed disease augural ah?
Caution Alcohol intake may enhance nitrate effects and occasionally induce hypotension with subsequent impairment of reactivity.
The leaves, which may be simple or compound, are usually alternate, occasionally opposite or whorled, and often in basal rosettes.
The study also revealed that major malformation may occasionally complicate with other abnormalities such as complex multisystem abnormalities.
A huge architecture is built up by a single brick and tile. Why don't we bother to become the single brick and tile? I occasionally do some odds and ends just for this purpose.
Bush, appeared to galvanize efforts to finalize the administrations 698 billion financialmarkets bailout, despite continuing tensions and an occasionally heated debate on Capitol Hill.

单词 occasionally 释义

  • 单词释义:偶尔;偶然;有时候  [更多..]



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