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单词 occasionally 例句大全,用单词occasionally造句:

Occasionally the heart will be painful, treat aching drug?
Occasionally, anchovies, small, salty fish, are also used.
有时候也会添加?鱼, 一种很咸的小鱼。
Occasionally vulnerability, have become accustomed to deep.
偶尔的脆弱, 也早已习惯了深藏。
Occasionally, they would attempt to drive out evil spirits.
有时, 他们还会试着驱鬼显圣。
Was over, knee occasionally gigantic ache ?Athletic injury ?
完了, 膝盖有时候巨疼?运动损伤?
He was petulant, selfish, arrogant and occasionally callous.
他任性, 自私, 傲慢, 有时候还很冷酷。
A place where astonishing words could be found occasionally.
张同志的空间, 偶尔可以发现惊人之作哦!
I like romances, but occasionally I watch action movies, too.
Only occasionally a hubbub of altercation rises to the skies.
只是偶然发生口角, 大声地吵闹。
Fl. AprMay, occasionally in autumn at apices of new branches.
花期45月, 偶尔在秋天在新枝先端开花。
They can run swiftly and occasionally attack and kill humans.
Occasionally the cells might aggregate to form lentoid bodies.
偶而, 细胞能聚集形成类晶体球体。
Occasionally it would push a cat aside to get a better position.
I normally eat at home, but occasionally I go out to eat as well.
我一般在家吃饭, 偶尔也会出去吃。
Occasionally the machine will go wrong without any apparent cause.
Some people tell me that occasionally I would be taken advantage of.
The employee is occasionally exposed to fumes or airborne particles.
Alleged sorcery by fox demons occasionally caused collective panics.
I catch one helper arm to be able to feel very painful occasionally.
and occasionally there just isn't enough food to keep everyone alive.
I think its a good idea to pamper yourself occasionally. Dont you agree
Occasionally she had argued with Ashley and frankly aired her opinions.
她常见艾希礼争论, 坦白地说出自己的意见。
In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays.
Occasionally, I had a few adults to Harbin, then Tianzheng under the snow.
偶然一次, 我有幸与几位大人去哈尔滨, 那时天正下着雪。
Seismic velocity can occasionally be affected by porosity and temperature.

单词 occasionally 释义

  • 单词释义:偶尔;偶然;有时候  [更多..]



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