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单词 growth industry 例句大全,用单词growth industry造句:

The names of the players will change, but the future growth of the financial services industry is assured.
Research on Economic Growth Effects of FDI in the Service Industry of the Pearl River Delta Based on Panel Data
But not only was the wedding industry not affected, it has had even stronger growth over the past year, Shi said.
The quality and competitiveness of the end products have boosted the ceramics industry to a spectacular growth in Spain.
Growth rate of industry began to rise again and the linkage between production and marketing has improved on a monthly basis.
工业增速开始回升, 产销衔接逐月改善。
New fabrics, new design, new technology offers new point of growth ceaselessly to eider down industry. The quantity that contain cloth with soft nap also by.
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单词 growth industry 释义

  • 单词释义:增长行业;发展中工业  [更多..]



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