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单词 Gundy 例句大全,用单词Gundy造句:

Jeff Van Gundy thought so.
Van Gundy is not surprised at Wells comments about him.
对于威尔斯的评论, 范甘迪并没有感到奇怪。
CB Hows Jeff Van Gundy of the Houston Rockets as a coach.
Ariza was asked Monday if he any hard feelings toward Van Gundy.
Hes also been a more adaptable type over the years than Van Gundy.
与范甘迪相比, 这些年来他已经体现出了更强的适应性。
Jeff Van Gundy is in the house, but not doing the sideline coaching.
范甘迪就在体育馆内, 但并不在场边指挥。
Van Gundy knows that there's likely an expiration on his stay in Orlando.
The officials did not dictate the pace of this game, Mister Van Gundy did.
兄弟, 搅和节奏的不是裁判, 是偶们滴范甘地老师。
So Van Gundy will insist again the schedule does not have to beat the Rockets.
You know Jeff Van Gundy is sitting in his home office laughing ass off right now.
你知道, 姐夫现在正坐在他的家庭办公室里笑翻了。
Adelman's style of play significantly differs from that of outgoing coach Jeff Van Gundy.

单词 Gundy 释义



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