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单词 formation cell 例句大全,用单词formation cell造句:

An increased rate of cell formation was observed in the blood.
Go to this, a mother is inside cell formation two statures pit.
Formation characterization and control of precursor of carbon fiber paper for fuel cell
To turn into wood or become woody through formation and deposit of lignin in cell walls.
Its pathogenesis is cell proliferation and formation and contraction of cellular membrane.
Can eliminate the free radical, suppresses the cancer cell formation, enhances the human body immunity.
能清除自由基, 抑制癌细胞形成, 提高人体免疫力。
The Effects of Waterlogging Stress on Flower Stalk Formation and Cell Protective System in Flowering Chinese Cabbage
Iron requirements increase during pregnancy because of increased needs for red blood cell formation and foetal growth.
在孕期, 铁的需求随着胎儿的发育成长而大大增加。
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