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单词 flip side 例句大全,用单词flip side造句:

In a way, the fear of being judged is the flip side of keeping up with the Joneses.
Flip the plank over and put the salmon on skin side down on the hot side of the plank.
Your other personality is trying to draw your attention to the flip side of the discussion.
the flip side of that temper made all the effort of staying on the roller coaster worthwhile.
的反面的脾气使所有的努力, 住在过山车值得的。
The flip side is the Medea hypothesis that says life is selfdestructive and poisons a planet.
The flip side of relentless mobility is turmoil and angst, broken marriages and unhappy children.
Flip the strawberry yogurt pancake with a spatula, and cook the other side just until its browned.
The flip side of an inability to see the wood for the trees is being very, very good at seeing trees.
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单词 flip side 释义

  • 单词释义:唱片的背面,事物较不重要的方面  [更多..]



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