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单词 fog machine 例句大全,用单词fog machine造句:

Adjusting Temperature Fog Machine Design
The technicians used a smoke machine to simulate dense fog in the studio.
The air is filled with a mix of cigarette smoke and fumes from a fog machine.
A local resident stops and complains about the noise the fog machine is making.
一当地居民经过停下来, 开始抱怨制雾器的噪音。
I watch as crew sets up the camera track, starts the fog machine, adjusts lighting.
我看见剧组人员加起摄像机, 启动雾气制造器, 调试灯光。
Dust Removal Technigue by Water Fog Spraying for Stack Gas from Cement Verticle Machine Kiln
Hydrodynamics Parameter Calculating Method of Fog Machine with Double Jet Pump to Blend Medicine
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