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单词 flame retardant 例句大全,用单词flame retardant造句:

Research Of Taking Qarhan Bischofite As Material to Preparation all sorts of Flame Retardant Magnesium Hydroxide.
Flame retardant testing method for spark droplets of welding and gas cutting on fabric sheets in construction works
The investigation on nanometer magnesium hydroxide as a flame retardant has been drawn increasing attentions recently.
Fire resistant mechanism and production Method of flame retardant type magnesium hydroxide is introduced in the paper.
New technology for the production of magnesium hydroxide flame retardant from light calcined powder by hydration method
Study on the Preparation of Tripentaerythritol Phosphite Intumescent Flame Retardant and Its Application in Epoxy Resins
Applications of Flame Retardant Modified Polyamide Engineering Plastic in Electronics and Electrical Appliance Industries
The material does not contain halogen flame retardant, and has high flameretardant performance and high mechanical property.
该材料不含卤系阻燃剂, 阻燃性能好, 力学性能高。
The invention relates to a waterproof anticorrosion flame retardant coating for an airplane and a preparation method thereof.
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单词 flame retardant 释义

  • 单词释义:阻燃剂;抑燃剂;滞燃剂  [更多..]



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