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单词 fold into 例句大全,用单词fold into造句:

Whisk the fresh cream until soft peaks. Fold into egg egg white cream.
鲜奶油打起至软性, 与蛋白拌匀成蛋白奶油。
Fold the nut mixture into the remaining meringue to make a stiff dough.
Now pour in the rest of the beaten egg whites to fold into the egg mixture.
倒入剩馀的发起蛋白, 与蛋黄面糊搅匀。
It can fold corrugated paper, card paper and offset board into perfect line.
Fold up four pieces of air cap into the bottom of box, bubble facing outside.
折叠好四块气泡垫放入箱底, 气泡面朝外。
A fold made by pressing a groove into paper stock without cutting its fibers.
Fold your towel into a small square and place it under your knees for support.
In addition, in 1995 Disney brought ABC and ESPN into the fold for $14 million.
Beat egg whites in a small bowl until stiff but not dry Fold whites into batter.
在小碗中将两个蛋的蛋白打稠, 但不发干, 将之倒入面糊中。
Step 5. Take upper strand of the horizontal, fold back and insert into the loop.
Fold the sifted flour into mixture, one third at a time, just until incorporated.
Fold the ribbon into half and sew it on the bottom stop with ends facing zipper end.
The hope is that they will bring the Sunnis back into the fold of peaceful politics.
什叶派将接受逊尼派参加和平选举, 这是一个好迹象。
Lightly whisk the egg white until it just holds its shape. Fold into the potato mixture.
Appeared then the God, and with bony hands outstretched, welcomed the girl into His fold.
Now fold the right and left corners into the center, and unfold again to make crease lines.
左右两侧往中间折, 然后打开, 留下折痕。
Whisk the egg whites until stiff, but not dry, and then gently fold into the chocolate mixture.
打蛋白至固态, 但不要太干, 然后轻轻混入到巧克力混合物中。
Meanwhile, renegade militias have been brought back into the fold with promises of government cash.
An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage.
原肛肛道胚胎消化道表面的凹陷, 发育成直肠的一部分
With plummeting audience figures, they have been desperate to bring wayward viewers back into the fold.
In the book fold is a translucent paper into the chasm between, when that cannot be easily get through.
在折页时半透明纸易产生裂痕, 打孔时不易打通。
The fabric may be folded along the lengthwise grain or the crosswise grain, or formed into a gate fold.
面料可沿直丝绺折叠, 或沿横丝绺折叠, 或门式折叠。
To avoid staining the Rebirth Blanket, one can also fold it into a small piece, and put it inside the urn.
Terra has recalled how to blend light and dark in a manner that emulates the new dream and return into its fold.
Fold gently with a wooden spatula. Knead into a dough ball. Wrap dough with plastic wrap and chill for 28 minutes.
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