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单词 Domens 例句大全,用单词Domens造句:

I was pregnant, but of lumbar acerbity backache, do next abdomens still ache a bit Is this how to return a responsibility
我怀孕了, 但腰酸背痛的, 下腹还有点疼这是怎么回事
Before forthcoming month classics left abdomens often ache, came with respect to indolence what reason is?
Bellyacke often is in left next abdomens or complete abdomen tenderness are apparent, companion bowel cries phonic hyperfunction.
腹痛常在左下腹或全腹压痛明显, 伴肠鸣音亢进。
The peptide, which crosses the bloodbrain barrier, was injected into the animals abdomens.
这种能穿过血管障碍物的肽, 被注射到动物的腹腔内。
He began to tap on the chests of his patients, on their abdomens.
他开始敲病人的胸腔 还有腹部
They can also flick their abdomens to forcefully whack another male.
Wax tablets are made from secreta in bees' abdomens.

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