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单词 documentary film 例句大全,用单词documentary film造句:

In recent years, the documentary film development presented the entertainment tendency.
近年来, 纪录片发展呈现出娱乐化倾向。
On relationship between objective truthfulness and aesthetic artistry of documentary film
Your film documentary may be ready to air soon, or your book may be ready for publication.
The controversial documentary film, however, has garnered widespread attention atand abroad.
He is, however, allowed to keep his documentary evidence, excluding the film, which is confiscated.
Because the documentary film, film ah protest concert ah, take pictures and sound recording is separate.
因为拍纪录片, 拍示威啊演唱会啊, 拍画面和录音是分开的。
A documentary film crew embarks on a river expedition to find the legendary and undocumented Shirishama Indians.
This documentary film gives us a true and detailed description of the ordinary and honorable life of an old communist party member.
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单词 documentary film 释义

  • 单词释义:纪录片,文献片;记录片  [更多..]



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