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单词 door space 例句大全,用单词door space造句:

There was a flat space near the door of the cavern.
洞窟门前有一块平地, 是生火的好地方。
A band of light glowed in the space between floor and door.
What are the odds of finding a parking space right outside the door?
The restaurant have six parking space allocate in the public car park next door.
在隔壁的公共停车场里, 这个餐馆有6个停车位。
There is enough space between the door skin and the bracket to push through the cable tie.
Relation between the passenger compartment side doors space of metro train and the station shield door
Contrive so that an apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space and a closetlike door forms the entrance into an unexpected courtyard.
虚中有实者或山穷水尽处, 一折而豁然开朗
英文例句大全为您提供door space英文例句大全,door space英文造句,关于door space的英语句子,单词door space怎么造句,door space英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于door space,英语单词door space的句子,单词door space如何造句,door space怎么造句等。

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