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单词 democrats 例句大全,用单词democrats造句:

They both believe that the Democrats'biggest vulnerability lies in national security.
This week, though, he hinted in a letter to Democrats at a compromise on both issues.
然而本周, 他在一封给民主党员的信中暗示要中和两个问题。
Critics of the party say the symbol shows Democrats as stubborn, silly and ridiculous.
Democrats wanted to expand food stamps and unemployment benefits, but have backed down.
The elections were an even bigger setback for her coalition partner, the Free Democrats.
But the Democrats are refusing to cooperate because they want an independent commission.
Proposals to boost numbers of black and Asian MPs are considered by the Liberal Democrats.
Why Republicans and Democrats alike are about to contract a serious case of Bush nostalgia.
The democrats still have some cards to play before they will concede the electoral victory.
在承认选举失败之前, 民主党人仍然有牌可打。
As the Democrats were eager for the admission of the two territories, they sealed the bargain.
由于民主党人极望接纳这两个州, 这笔交易一拍即成。
For his part, Falcon refused to be moved by the barrage of criticism from his fellow Democrats.
Herald Democrats, in the early autumn evening to you and I share, bright, think Italy is strong!
秋意撩人, 愿在初秋得夜晚你我共享, 皓月当空, 思意正浓!
It enabled the Democrats to capture the House of Representatives in the congressional elections.
Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment.
DEMOCRATS dominate both houses of Congress and Barack Obama is a president who is still popular.
民主党控制着国会两院, 奥巴马这个总统也尚有人气。
McCain has been proving himself a scrappier opponent than many Democrats had assumed he would be.
Lenin declared that it was more important to not be confused with the reformist social democrats.
There are currently 56 Democrats in the senate and two independents who caucus with the Democrats.
Ms Lincoln was one of only three Democrats to vote with Republicans to block the bills advancement.
Will it be Nancy Pelosi, the likely speaker if the Democrats capture the House of Representatives ?
The political stakes for the president and congregational democrats congressional Democrats are enormous.
It emerged that Mr Cowan, reportedly a confirmed pagan, had been expelled by the Liberal Democrats in 2004.
A steady stream of Republicans are joining the drumbeat of Democrats calling for a new direction and a reduction of troop levels.
The Republican Party has controlled both houses of Congress for almost twelve years. Opposition Democrats see a chance to win back at least one.
If Gonzales goes, the White House fears that other losses will follow. Top Bush advisers argue that Democrats are after scalps and would not stop at Gonzales.

单词 democrats 释义

  • 单词释义:民主主义者,民主人士( democrat的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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